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Wyndham smiling wearing a pink shirt.


You already know a little about me from the home page so feel free to skip this page if that's enough for you. I appreciate though that some of you will want to understand me a little more, especially if you are struggling and considering the bold and courageous step of asking me to help you connect to and create a life you really want to live.

So, below is a brief version of my story.

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My Story

In hindsight the fact I was increasingly disengaged, deeply unhappy and not living a life I found rewarding, fulfilling and passion filled was written large across my face, literally. And had been for two decades.

Like so many people I went into the world of work without a clear idea of what it was I wanted to do with my life. I had a vague notion of wanting to be "happy", but beyond that, no idea of what that really meant and definitely no idea of how to create it.


So I fell into a job and by default a career.

A collection of 4 images showing Wyndham's face at different stages of his life.

Top left: 21. Top right: 26. Bottom left: 32. Bottom right: 48

For 20 years I worked in various roles across multiple industries. Progressing in seniority, earning more money, building experience and expertise, gaining trust and respect.

On the surface I looked like I had it all: happily married, lovely home, well paid job where I was respected and trusted, amazing "instagramable" holidays and meals out, the perfect life.

On the inside though I was completely disengaged professionally, unfulfilled, uninspired, wracked with self-doubt and self-loathing. I was the epitome of "miserably successful" and completely unable to figure out what to do about it. So I did nothing. I carried on blaming everyone and everything else because I couldn't face the idea that I was to blame for how unhappy I was. 

And then in 2016 my wife was diagnosed with cancer.


It was as if the universe had reached its arm around me and said "You're wasting your talents conforming to expectations not aligned with who you are, and now you've had a reminder you never know how long you have left. How's that working out for you?" 

That was the question that sparked it all: How's that working out for you?

The answer was "Not well."

What followed was an adventure that required me to let go of the things I thought I was certain of. It required me to let go of the thoughts and beliefs that stabilised how I saw the the world and how I saw myself. It required me to embrace the very fear of uncertainty I had been running from all my life. By doing so I was finally open and ready to reconnect with who I really was and to rediscover the meaning I was trying to create in my life far beyond the mechanisms we have all been taught to pursue.

It is an ongoing adventure of the self, through the self, to the self. One that has so far taken me through training and practicing as a mediator, a yoga teacher and finally (at least for now) a coach.

The truth is it doesn't have to take you as long as it took me. The life you really want is there to be had. And to achieve it certain things will be required of you. It's going to take getting deeply reconnected with who you are and what you really want. And that is an adventure I'm here for!

By the way, in case you were worried, my wife is fine now!

A picture of a smiling Wyndham in a beautiful sunny countryside scene.
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