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The 2–4–6 Framework

The personal development industry is littered with superficial, nuance free, overly simplistic approaches and supposed solutions to our problems. 

"Just let it go."

"Positive vibes only."

"Be your own best friend."

"Be the change you want to see."

"Love what you do and you never work a day in your life."

What's missing from the barrage of this broadly meaningless stuff is the most important part. What's missing is the How.

The answer to which is "The 2–4–6 Framework".

All 12 gold hexagons on a blue background to represent the whole framework

2 Beliefs

The support for the work 

Our BluePrints are studded throughout with things we think we believe and things we believe to be true. Beliefs and "truths" about ourselves, about other people and about the world around us.

These beliefs and "truths" though are merely stabilisers that make our lives predictable and remove the uncertainty we as human beings find so difficult to live with.

To Write Your Own BluePrint will require the systematic identification, pressure testing and replacement of all the old beliefs and "truths" that no longer serve you.

To support this challenging work we create two beliefs:

  • 1x overarching, enabling and empowering belief

  • 1x safety net belief to catch us when we stumble


And  believe me, we will stumble. And that's ok. We are all only human after all.

2 gold hexagons representing the 2 beliefs of the framework.

4 Pillars

4 hexagons are added to represent the 4 pillars of the framework

The guides and measures of the work

The ambition of Writing Our Own BluePrint is to stand large in the world with these four pillars firm under foot.


Ownership, Authenticity, Self-Love and Integrity are the measures by which we create and judge the lives we really want to live.

Are we Owning 100% of what is ours to own, and no more?

Are we Authentically ourselves, even when it brings judgement?

Are we living in Self-Love, even when the world would strip us of our worth?

Are we living with Integrity, especially when doing so costs us something?

We have compromised so much of this without even being aware as our BluePrints established themselves, all the time with the focus on survival.

Surviving has got you where you are, it's going to take something else to move you to thriving. 

6 Essential Elements

The mechanisms for the work

Understanding "What Is", our BluePrint, sets the scene. It shows us what we're dealing with. Understanding on its own doesn't change anything though. Changing our lives is a series of acts of creation. And to support those acts and help us when our old BluePrint reasserts itself, and when the doubt and judgement creep in we have the 6 Essential Elements:

  • Compassion

  • Curiosity

  • Connection

  • Awareness

  • Acceptance

  • Intentional Action

6 hexagons are added to represent the 6 essential elements of the framework
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