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Welcome to 
The BluePrint Coach


It's Time To 
Interrupt The Automatic

It's Time To 
Write Your Own BluePrint

Create The Life You Really Want To Live

My name is Wyndham and I am the BluePrint Coach. 

My mission is to help people connect to and create the lives they really want to live. In every area of life, at home, at work and at play, I want people to live lives with more meaning, more fulfilment, more passion, stronger engagement and deeper connections.


I am an ICF Accredited Transformational Coach, a Society of Mediators certified mediator, a 200hr qualified yoga teacher, and the author of "The Companion Book of Inalienable Truths" and the BluePrint philosophy book, "Whose Life Are You Actually Living?".

I believe everyone deserves to live the life they really want to live. To do so requires us to deeply connect to what that actually means to us as individuals and most importantly, who we really are.

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Why Are So Many Of Us So Unhappy?

Our BluePrints prioritise surviving not thriving. 

It's easy to blame ourselves when our lives aren't going as well as we want. It's also easy to blame everything and everyone else. I know it's easy because that's what I did, for 20 years.


The problem with blame though is it doesn't act as a catalyst for change. It's a creator of guilt, shame, resentment, disempowerment, disengagement, disillusionment and despair.

So let me drop some BluePrint Truths on you:

  • There's nothing wrong with you. You are simply a human being.

  • You aren't broken. What you are is wounded.

  • You aren't sabotaging yourself. You simply have outdated protection mechanisms.

  • You aren't a lost cause. You are 100% capable of creating what you really want.

  • It's not your fault. And it is your responsibility if you want something different.

That's all well and good (and absolutely true by the way) but how are you supposed to work with that? Is the BluePrint Philosophy just another superficial attempt to cobble together some positive affirmations and expect everyone to miraculously recreate their lives?


Absolutely NOT! 


I am an absolute believer we cannot address what we aren't aware of. In order to effectively deal with what is actually happening it is necessary to see it for what it is. Not the stories we have been told and continue to tell ourselves, but actually what it is. 


That's where understanding our BluePrints comes in.

You see, our BluePrints automate our reactions to what's happening around us and to us.


You know that feeling when suddenly you're experiencing a strong wave of emotion and you don't really know why? That's your BluePrint in action.

That moment when you suddenly feel angry, or embarrassed, or a sense of dread? That's your BluePrint.

We all have one and for the majority of us large parts of it are completely out of date.


Want to know why you repeat behaviours that seem to hold you back? That's your BluePrint.

Want to know why you derail good things in your life, even when they are the things you've wanted for so long? That's your BluePrint.


Want to know why you resist change, even when you know it would be positive for you? That's your BluePrint.


Your automatic reactions have been set and will continue to repeat until you interrupt the automatic and Write Your own BluePrint.

And importantly, IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.


It is 100% your problem to deal with.

Click the "BluePrint Philosophy" button to find out more about what is actually going on and why. Equip yourself with the understanding of what you're dealing with. Then, using the 2-4-6 Framework, empower yourself to solve not just the problems you have now but every problem yet to come.





Three Ways To Work With Me

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